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What Are The Signs Of A Bad Roof?

Everything you own or hold dear is under your roof, so you want to make sure that it’s in good shape at all times. Part of maintaining your roof is being mindful to watch for indications that your roof has some problems. Watching for the tell-tale signs that your roof may need a repair or replacement will help keep you and your family safe and can protect you from costly repairs to your belongings as well as the structure of your home. Here are the signs to look for:

The old damaged roof in house at Broward County, FL

Missing, Damaged, or Loose Shingles

You may notice this after a storm has passed, or you may see this if your roof is past its prime. It’s best to get these repairs done promptly to prevent water damage inside your home.

Shingles Curling or Cracking

This is a sign that your roof is getting old, and you may need a full replacement.

Sagging Roof

If your roof is sagging, it could mean that your roof is weak due to age. Another possibility is that there’s too much weight on the roof due to moisture, snow, or and ice. If your roof is sagging, you need to get it replaced as soon as possible to prevent a total collapse.

Granules in your Gutters

When a roof reached a certain age, the shingles begin to lose their mineral granules, and they wash down into the gutters. Don’t wait too long to get this tended to, as things can only get worse as the granule loss continues.

Missing or Damaged Flashing

Flashing is placed around your chimney, vent pipes, or anything else that’s attached to your roof, to seal out moisture from rain or snow. If there are sections of flashing that are damaged or missing, water may be leaking into your home.

Ceiling Stains

If you have water stains across your ceiling or running down your walls, you have a roof leak. You’ll likely need an expert to help you pinpoint the source of the leak, as water can penetrate the roof in one area, but stain the walls or ceiling in a completely different location.

Stains Around a Bathroom Fan

If you have an exhaust fan in your bathroom, it needs to be properly vented up and through the roof. Many times, these fans are installed incorrectly, and this can cause rain or condensation to stain your ceilings.

Hail Damage

One of the most common ways for a roof to become damaged is through hailstorms. When a large hailstone hits your roof, it can tear or puncture the shingles. More often, hail will knock the mineral coating off of your shingles. When shingles lose this protective coating, they can be further damaged by UV rays, which can shorten the life of your roof.

Dirty or Clogged Soffits

Your roofing system is complicated and to properly protect your home, it requires an airflow that will move hot air out of your attic. This is the job of the soffit vents, and if they’re clogged, that can lead to excess moisture in your attic. The result can be mold or mildew on your roof’s framing.

Dark or Dirty Areas on the Roof

Dark areas on your roof can be caused by the loss of granules from your shingles, or by algae or moss growing on your roof. These are definite signs that your roof needs to be replaced and soon.

Exposed or Loose Nail Heads

If you notice that roofing nails are beginning to pop up out of place, the holes or spaces around those nails can allow moisture to penetrate your roof. This in turn could cause your roof to need replacement sooner than expected.

Increased Energy Consumption

If your heating or cooling bills have increased dramatically, this could be a sign of insufficient attic ventilation or a damaged roof, and the insulation provided by your roof is breaking down.

Your Roof is 20 Years Old

A roof can only last so long. If yours is 20 years old or older, a new roof is in your near future.

Final Words

If you notice any of these signs, or if you have any other roof problems at your home or business, you may only need a repair instead of a roof replacement, but  it’s best to have your roof examined by a trained professional to be sure. Whatever you do, don’t neglect your roof!

For over 30 years, Paul Bange Roofing, Inc. has served residents and business owners alike with quality roofing, affordable prices, and outstanding customer service. The level of high quality workmanship we bring to each job site is unparalleled, and all our work comes with a 100% customer satisfaction guarantee. In addition, your roofing job will be backed by a lifetime warranty via membership in our Overhead Care Club. Whether you need a roof for your small warehouse or large estate home, you can trust us to handle the job with careful precision. We show up on time, fulfill any promises made, and we work hard to make sure that everything is done right the first time.  If you are in need of a roofer, if you’d like to request a free estimate, or if you just want some information about our company, visit our website or give us a call at 954-981-ROOF(7663), 561-981-ROOF(7663), or 305-981-ROOF(7663).