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Commercial Roofing Inspections in South Florida

As a property owner or potential buyer, it’s critical to know the condition of your entire building. Paul Bange Roofing offers commercial roof inspections for business owners in South Florida. We provide comprehensive roof inspections, so you know the exact condition of the roof of your business or one you’re considering purchasing. We can assist with roof planning and provide you a roof inspection report, whether your property is located in Davie, Pembroke Pines, Weston, or Hollywood, FL. We would be happy to provide you with a free roofing consultation to learn more about roof inspection costs. Learn more about the types of commercial roof inspections we offer, and get in touch with us today.

The Commercial Roofing Project in South Florida

Types of Commercial Roof Inspections

Our experienced and professional roofers can inspect roofs for many purposes. Learn more about the types of commercial roofing inspections we offer:

  • Industrial Inspections – Our experts will inspect every aspect of your industrial roof, whether you’re looking to buy or sell. We then prepare a detailed report with our recommendations, and we can perform all the services your roof may need.
  • Pre-Listing Inspections – If you’re ready to place your property on the market, a pre-listing inspection will check out your roof, so you know if you require any repairs. You can also provide the buyer with a copy of the report, so they have peace of mind knowing they aren’t in for any roofing surprises.
  • Commercial Rental Inspections – Whether you’re a landlord or a prospective tenant, a rental inspection allows both parties to know the exact condition of the roof.
  • And More – Allow our professional roofing experts to provide commercial inspections for historical buildings, commercial real estate appraisals, and much more. If you aren’t sure if we provide the type of commercial roof inspection, chances are we do. Just get in touch with us to find out.

What’s Included in a Commercial Roof Inspection?

When you pay for a commercial roof inspection, you want to ensure you’re getting everything you need. We offer comprehensive commercial roofing inspections throughout South Florida. When you hire Paul Bange Roofing, we can determine whether your commercial roof location is on a High-Velocity Hurricane Zone. Our team can perform a permit search or a permit history investigation and determine the age of your commercial roof and what type of material it was built with, including TPO, metal, modified bitumen, and more. Our roofers can ensure your roof meets Florida Building Code and other local regulations. We will access your attic to determine your commercial roof deck type while checking out the commercial roof deck attachments and inspecting the size and spacing of the nails. We check out the roof geometry and advise retrofits as needed to secure your roof against wind damage. We can also perform a commercial roof moisture survey and a commercial roof thermal imaging service. Our roofers take photographs and provide your insurance company with any required pictures.

An Exterior View of Residential Roofing Inspections in South Florida
  • Comprehensive Pre-Purchase Commercial Inspections – Our team inspects every aspect of the roof on the property you’re considering buying. Finding expensive problems with the roof could make you change your mind on the deal or get you a lower price because you know you’ll be paying for roofing repairs or a replacement. You will receive a detailed report on the condition of the roof.
  • Thermal Imaging Inspections & Assessments – We perform commercial roof thermal imaging inspections. These roofing inspections measure the temperatures as well as the temperature differences or variations of the areas of the roof that are visible and readily and safely accessible. We utilize a non-invasive thermal digital imaging camera for these inspections.
  • Commercial Warehouse Inspections – If you’re considering purchasing a commercial warehouse or you’re in the process of selling one, our roofers can thoroughly inspect the roof, so you know its exact condition.
  • Multi-Family Inspections – Whether you just had a multi-family building built and you want a second opinion, or you’re considering purchasing property, you can count on us to inspect the roof, so you know what you’re dealing with.

Our Additional Roofing Services

After your commercial roofing inspection, you may require additional roofing services. Paul Bange Roofing specializes in comprehensive roofing services in Davie, Pembroke Pines, Weston, and Hollywood, FL. We provide commercial management and maintenance services and can evaluate your roof after every named storm that hits our area. Our services include roof inspections, removing all debris, cleaning roof drains and other components, and more. Our commercial roof inspections include inspecting all seams, verifying no voids have developed, inspecting all flashings, scuttles, ladders, and so much more. We’re also proud to offer commercial preventative maintenance services. The benefits of these services are that they typically cost a fraction of re-roofing and living in South Florida means your roof is vulnerable to storm damage, but our experts will stay on top of it. We’re proud to offer a lifetime guarantee on all our roofing services. Contact Paul Bange Roofing today to request your free roofing consultation.